


lightscape dos 下渲染


lightscape dos 下渲染




Lightscape 3.2的所有.exe文件:


LSCAPE EXE 892,928 06-13-99 12:45 lscape.exe

LSM2T EXE 49,152 06-13-99 12:48 lsm2t.exe

LSMERGE EXE 28,672 06-13-99 12:48 lsmerge.exe

LSPURGE EXE 28,672 06-13-99 12:48 lspurge.exe

LSRAD EXE 36,864 06-13-99 12:49 lsrad.exe

LSRAY EXE 61,440 06-13-99 12:49 lsray.exe

LSRENDER EXE 73,728 06-13-99 12:50 lsrender.exe

3DS2LP EXE 28,672 06-13-99 12:26 3ds2lp.exe

DWG2LP EXE 24,576 06-13-99 13:16 dwg2lp.exe

DXF2LP EXE 28,672 06-13-99 12:28 dxf2lp.exe

LID2CI~1 EXE 24,576 06-13-99 12:29 lid2cibse.exe

LID2IES EXE 24,576 06-13-99 12:29 lid2ies.exe

LID2LTLI EXE 24,576 06-13-99 12:29 lid2ltli.exe

LS2VRML EXE 65,536 06-13-99 12:34 ls2vrml.exe

SETBROWS EXE 4,528 02-26-97 16:23 setbrows.exe

LVU EXE 65,536 06-13-99 12:56 lvu.exe

LSVIEWER EXE 151,552 06-13-99 12:54 lsviewer.exe

LSRAYF EXE 57,344 06-13-99 13:07 lsrayf.exe

18 file(s) 1,671,600 bytes


LSRAD 的所有命令:


Copyright (C) 1991-1999 Autodesk, Inc.

usage: C:\PROGRA~1\LIGHTS~1\BIN\LSRAD.EXE [options] file


-ac allow attribute and light source changes

-nac don't allow attribute/light changes (more efficient)

-cp n save output file every n iterations (default=no check pointing)

-cpt n save output file every n minutes (default=no check pointing)

-df file alternate default file

-do process direct light sources only

-h print this message

-i interactively confirm existing files overwrite

-lf file layer library file

-nopm do not preserve mesh of existing solution

-o file alternate output file name

-pm preserve mesh of existing solution

-q print extra file information as files are loaded

-r reset existing solution prior to processing

-sh [all|direct|none] shadow testing (default=all)

-term n terminate after n iterations (default=no limit)

-termp p terminate after p% energy is shot (default=100.0)

-termt n terminate after n minutes (default=no limit)

-v show status messages

file input ".ls" or ".lp" file




-ac 允许光源和属性的改变,缺省依文件内的设置

-nac 不允许光源和属性的改变,可以加快速度

-cp n 每隔N步将传递结果存盘

-cpt n 每隔N分钟将传递结果存盘

-df file 读入指定的参数文件

-do 只进行直接光照

-h 显示帮助信息

-i 传递结束后要求确认覆盖源文件,缺省是覆盖

-lf file 读入指定的层状态文件

-nopm do not preserve mesh of existing solution

-o file 指定传递后的存盘文件

-pm preserve mesh of existing solution

-q print extra file information as files are loaded

-r 传递前清除以前的文件,从头开始

-sh [all|direct|none] 计算所有阴影(缺省)|计算直接光照阴影|不计算阴影

-term n 计算n步后输出结果,缺省无限计算

-termp p 计算到传递p%后,输出结果

-termt n 计算到n分钟后输出结果

-v 显示每一步的结果



LSRAY 的所有命令:

Copyright (C) 1991-1999 Autodesk, Inc.

usage: C:\PROGRA~1\LIGHTS~1\BIN\LSRAY.EXE [ options ] solution_file image_file


-h print this message

-aa [1-10] antialiasing factor (default = 1)

-aaa t n r antialiasing threshold, sampling level, and radius

-af anim_file animation file

-alls all layers cast shadows

-alpha output alpha channel

-amb n ambient level (range [0,200])

-bd n output image bitdepth (24 or 48)

-bg r g b background color (range [0,255])

-bri n brightness level (range [0,200])

-contr n contrast level (range [0,100])

-df file alternate default file

-ef n last frame of animation

-fogc r g b fog color (range [0,255])

-fogd n fog density (range [0,1])

-fogf [none|linear|fog|haze] fog function (default = none)

-fps n animation frames per second

-gl use GL shading model

-il output interlaced frames

-lf layer_file layer state file

-nc no backface culling

-nt turn off textures

-odd interlace, first frame with odd scanlines (sets -il option)

-rb n number of reflection bounces to trace (default = 10)

-recover imgfile recover scanlines from unfinished image

-rf ray_file custom ray file

-roi x1 y1 x2 y2 ray trace region of interest only

-sf n first frame of animation

-sh recompute shadows from lights and sun

-soft compute soft shadows (for sun only)

-step n animation step frame

-svf view_file ... -evf list of view files

-v show status messages

-vf view_file view file

-x size image width

-y size image height

-w view image as it is computed

-wp xpos ypos same as above, but specify window position



Copyright (C) 1991-1999 Autodesk, Inc.

usage: C:\PROGRA~1\LIGHTS~1\BIN\LSRAY.EXE [ options ] solution_file image_file


-h print this message

-aa [1-10] 反锯齿级别,缺省值为1

-aaa t n r 反锯齿极限,取样水平和半径

-af anim_file 指定动画文件渲染一系列的连续图片(动画)

-alls 从所有层计算阴影

-alpha 计算一个alpha通道,只在图形文件是能保存alpha通道的文件格式是有效.

-amb n 环境光级别(range [0,200])

-bd n 输出图像的色彩深度 (24 or 48)

-bg r g b 背景色(range [0,255])

-bri n 亮度对比度 (range [0,200])

-contr n 对比度级别(range [0,100])

-df file 指定参数文件

-ef n last frame of animation

-fogc r g b 环境雾的色彩 (range [0,255])

-fogd n 环境雾的密度 (range [0,1])

-fogf [none|linear|fog|haze] 环境雾的类型 (default = none)线性的|自然雾|自然阴霾

-fps n 动画文件指定帧每秒

-gl 使用 OpenGL 发射模式

-il output interlaced frames

-lf 读入指定的层状态文件

-nc 不进行背面 culling

-nt 不贴图

-odd interlace, first frame with odd scanlines (sets -il option)

-rb n 光线反弹次数 (default = 10)

-recover imgfile recover scanlines from unfinished image

-rf ray_file custom ray file

-roi x1 y1 x2 y2 ray trace region of interest only

-sf n first frame of animation

-sh 重新计算光源的阴影(包括太阳光)

-soft 柔和阴影 (for sun only)

-step n animation step frame

-svf view_file ... -evf list of view files

-v 显示状态

-vf view_file view file

-x size image width

-y size image height

-w 显示图像输出结果的过程

-wp xpos ypos same as above, but specify window position


b.在3D MAX里建模用CAD的颜色转到lightscape时会自动按照颜色生成layer...

.用插件在3D MAX里可以直接生成.lp插件是免费的

.有不少人模型从Rhino里导到3d mxa理会发现"少面"或从cad里无论用.3ds还是.dxf,那是法线的问题,统一下法线就行了!



a.Display--AutoReraw 去掉"√"可在需要时按F5刷新;

  View--Set Viewport Size:User Defined640*480(建议15"显示器的朋友使用)


      File--properties--display interactivity

         max.display texture64*64(32*32)低显示不会影响你输出图像时的精细度...


         background h:210 s:0.2 v:0.9(淡蓝就行)与加速无关但与Alpha通道有关

c.layers--RMB(右建)--all off

         选中要处理的模型,双击(或RMB on)


       select(shift+1) surface (shift+f)

       select all(这时只选显示的层内所有模型的面)


√occludin 使闭塞/√receivin接受/√reflection反射(去掉反射:好处自己想去...)

mesh coarse 1--0.5(降低细小的面的处理质量.)

deselect all--layers--RMB--all on--F5



/__double buffer -双倍缓冲

/__culling -去掉背面(这里有不少人还有我的同学误解,不是去掉背对你的面背对canera的面而是法线反的面...!!!)

/__blending -混合(texture--blend用到才起作用)

/__antialiasing -抗锯齿

/__ambient -环境光检验(不建议开启)

/__txtures -显示纹理

/__enhanced -增强显示(不建议开启!你可以用简单模型看看...:-))





/__lsrad -求解- cd.. cd progra~1 cd lvs32 cd bin (自己找到自己安装lvs32的地方)


__\lsrad -v -cp 50 f:\templvs\temp01.lp(.ls)


/__lsray -出图- cd.. cd progra~1 cd lvs32 cd bin (自己找到自己安装lvs32的地方)

__\lsray -x 640 -y 480 -aa 3 -v (-alpha) (-w) (-sh) f:\templvs\temp01.ls f:\templvs\temp01.tga









C:\>cd d:\lightscape\bin



lsray (参数) (要渲染的文件名) (保存的文件名)






-X 为输出文件的宽度

-Y 为输出文件的高度

-aa 为渲染的级别1到10(默认为1)

-h 为打印输出的图片命令

-w 显示渲染后的图片

-alpha 输出带alpha通道的图片

-nt 不输出贴图



lsray -x 320 -y 240 d:\*.ls d:\*.bmp



渲染的速度还可以了。大家try try吧。我的QQ:7487506 想交朋友的快来呀。







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